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Aztec Gods and Goddesses

It's time for a new subject, so we're delving into the Aztecs. Aztec mythology is very creative and interesting. Students will get a kick out of all the strange things Aztec gods and goddesses got up to. They were both helpful and destructive. According to legend, the gods sacrificed themselves to create the sun and the world, they made humans and gave them agriculture, but they also destroyed four worlds, mostly due to their internal fighting, but once an oversensitive goddess cried so much she flooded the world. Let's hope the fifth time is the charm, although the myths foretell this world will end in an earthquake.

We've included information and stories about eight of the main Aztec gods. The names of the gods can be a bit of a mouthful so I've included phonetic spellings of the god names. There are also some interesting facts about their religion and mythology. This resource has a mix of comprehension worksheets, cross-curricular activities and some just plain fun activities. Students will have the chance to exercise their creativity in writing and art.

There are a lot of great videos on the Aztecs out there. I highly recommend the Ted-Ed animated fifth sun myth.
