Who Were The Vikings?


Vikings were people from Scandinavia from the late 8th century until the mid-11th century, a time known as the Viking Age. Scandinavia is the area of Northern Europe which is now the countries of Denmark, Norway and Sweden.


Vikings were a seafaring people. The name "Viking" comes from "vikingr," an Old Norse word for a person who is leaving home for adventure and profit. Viking men would travel to far-off lands to explore and raid. This was known as going "viking." Today, the word Viking refers to people from Scandinavia during the Viking Age.


During raids, Vikings were fierce warriors. They were feared all over Europe for their quick and brutal attacks. Viking men went on raids hoping they would return with rich plunder. Warriors believed that if they fought bravely and died in battle, they would go to Asgard, the realm of the gods.

Farmers and Tradesmen

While Vikings were known as warriors, most Vikings were farmers. They would only go on raids during the summer season. Vikings were also craftsmen, fishermen and traders. Viking men and women were skilled at making what they needed, including clothing, boats, jewelry and weapons. Children learned these skills from a young age.

Who Were The Vikings?
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