Cyclops: The One-Eyed Giant


Giant man with one eye in the middle of his forehead.

Special Powers

The cyclopes had enormous strength.


They were not very smart.


After a long sea voyage, Odysseus and his men were happy to find an island. There was even a cave full of sheep. They had a wonderful dinner. The only problem was that the cave belonged to a cyclops. The Cyclops decided to eat the men in exchange for the sheep they took. He ate two men right then and there, then rolled a stone across the entrance so the sailors couldn’t leave. Odysseus knew he needed to come up with a plan. He watched the cyclops roll the stone open every day to let the sheep out and he told the others his idea. That night Odysseus gave the cyclops some wine and when the cyclops fell asleep the sailors stabbed him in the eye with a spear. Now the cyclops was blind. The next day, when the blind cyclops rolled the stone from the door so the sheep could go outside Odysseus and his men were each tied to a sheep and made their escape.


Harpies: The Hounds of Zeus


Chimera: The Three Headed Monster