
The Wife Who Led an Army
King Wu Ding had an unusual way of garnering support from his people.
He married them.
Not all of them, of course. That would be insane. He only married 62 women.
Fu Hao was one of these lucky ladies. King Wu Ding plucked her from…

The Woman Who Defied an Empire
Boudicca led the biggest rebellion against the Roman occupation of Britain, amassing an army of 150,000 Britons, defeating the Ninth Legion of the Roman Army and sacking Londinium (London) before her army was finally defeated in the battle of Watling Street.

10 Facts About Women of The Viking Age
Viking women were no shrinking violets. A Viking woman could inherit property, own a business and run the farm. If her husband mistreated her, she could leave him, taking her property with her. Here are ten facts about Viking women that just might surprise you!