
Faun: The Wood Spirits
A farmer named Marcus struggled with his barren land and asked for help from Faunus. A faun led him to a magical spring, promising fertility in exchange for respect and sharing his harvest with the villagers. Marcus's crops flourished, but he hoarded his bounty and dammed the spring.
Angered by his actions, the faun returned, destroying the dam and taking away the magical water. Realizing his mistake, Marcus begged for forgiveness. The faun forgave him, reminding him to share and respect nature, and gave him a small fertile patch of land. From then on, Marcus lived humbly, sharing with the village.

Minotaur: The Bull of Minos
The Minotaur was the son of Minos, the king of Crete, but he had a bad habit of eating people, so he was kept captive in a labyrinth under the city. Seven maidens and seven young men were chosen from Athens every year to feed the beast. One year, the son of the Athenian king, a young man named Theseus, volunteered as tribute. He boasted that he would kill the Minotaur. With the help of Ariadne, the Minotaur's sister, Theseus smuggled a sword into the labyrinth. He unraveled a ball of string as he made his way through the maze until he found the Minotaur. The Minotaur was sleeping, so Theseus slew him easily. He found his way back out of the labyrinth using the trail of string he left behind.