Ancient Egyptian Symbols
Ancient Egyptians believed symbols did more than relay information, they were an important part of the Ancient Egyptian religion. Icons that represented different gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt also represented different religious values. For example, the feather of the goddess Ma'at represented truth and justice.
Most Ancient Egyptians could not read hieroglyphic writing, but they did know the meaning of the most common symbols. This was important because the Ancient Egyptian religion was a daily part of people's daily lives. Symbols were carved into religious buildings and monuments and used in rituals for both the living and the dead. When Egyptians brought offerings to a temple, they were surrounded by familiar symbols.
Ancient Egyptians believed some symbols had power. These symbols were sometimes carved into amulets to give the person who wore them magic powers. The scarab symbol carved onto an amulet was meant to protect the wearer against the dangers of this world and the afterlife. The amulet was either worn like a necklace or carried around (for the living) or placed inside the linens that were wrapped around a mummified body (for the dead).
Learn more about Ancient Egyptian symbols in our resource:
Primary Topic Shop’s Ancient Egyptian Symbols resource includes photos, reading pages, illustrations, activities and answer sheets.