
The Wife Who Led an Army
King Wu Ding had an unusual way of garnering support from his people.
He married them.
Not all of them, of course. That would be insane. He only married 62 women.
Fu Hao was one of these lucky ladies. King Wu Ding plucked her from…

The Woman Who Defied an Empire
Boudicca led the biggest rebellion against the Roman occupation of Britain, amassing an army of 150,000 Britons, defeating the Ninth Legion of the Roman Army and sacking Londinium (London) before her army was finally defeated in the battle of Watling Street.
Viking Ship Dragonhead Rubbing Activity
To create a rubbing of your Viking ship design, use the template in our resource or draw your design directly onto a piece of paper. Once you have your design, use glue to trace over the lines and let it dry. This activity requires patience, but once the glue is dry, you can make as many rubbings as you'd like. Charcoal and crayons work well for this activity, but feel free to experiment with other art supplies such as pastels. Happy crafting!

Our First Digital Escape Room
This digital escape room is an engaging way for students to review everything they've learned from our print and digital Viking resources. Students explore a professor’s office and use their knowledge about Vikings to unlock clues that can be used to open the door and escape the room.